First click the Login button at the bottom right of the screen. You will be directed to this screen:
Your username is Jean. If you forget your password use the Lost your password link.
Hover over the site title at the top left and you will see Visit Site. Click there to go to the website front-end. Ignore all of the other things in the dashboard.
When you are logged in you will see this extra menu bar on top. Unfortunately the black bar covers up part of the top menu with this theme, but if you hover over them you can see the title drop down.
Editing a page
To edit an existing page, in this case the Bio, click on it at the right top.
When the page comes up click on Edit Page on the top menu.
The source of the page with dashboard will open. See the Visual and Text tabs and make sure you are in Visual mode.
To add a paragraph, position your cursor after Super Dog and hit enter. That will drop a line to start a new paragraph. If you wanted to continue on the same paragraph but not drop the extra line, use shift/enter instead.
When I first pasted the words in, I noticed that they posted in 12 cpi while the previous paragraph is 14 cpi.
To change it, highlight the area with your mouse then choose 14 pt in the pulldown. If you needed to see what type the first paragraph used, just click anywhere in that paragraph.
When you are done making changes click on the Update button on the right.
Writing a Blog Post
Pages are those items that have menu steps of their own, while Posts appear in the feed.
To add a post hover over New then select Post on the top menu.
Posts need to have a Title as that is what is clicked on to view it or edit it.
Type your text as desired.
To insert a picture, place your cursor where you want it to appear in the text and then click Add Media at the top left of the post.
If this is a new picture click on Upload files.
You can drag and drop or select files from your computer.
After upload it will show in your media library. Click on it and it will display a check mark. You may add a caption if desired.
Scroll down a little on the right to see more options for position and size. When done, click on Insert into post.
You can edit the picture afterward by clicking on it and then choosing the pencil. The first four icons position it and the X will delete the picture from the post.
Click on Update when are done.
You can also change the size of the picture easily by dragging the corners in or out. One caveat: don’t start with a smaller picture and drag it too much larger or you will lose resolution. Start with a larger picture *e.g. “Full Size”) and drag it smaller.
When you are done with the post, click on Publish, then view post. You can look at it and edit it after. I always do. In this case I noticed that I had to go back and highlight each paragraph and then chose Paragraph on the left, and also add some extra lines for spacing.
There are also Categories that can be used to sort posts which we aren’t using at this point. I added a category of blank just so that each post doesn’t say Uncategorized in the heading.
When you are editing an older blog post, first click on Blog to see all of the posts, then click on the title of the post to edit, then you will be able to see Edit Post in the top menu.
Don’t be afraid to call up posts and pages and look at them and test out the editing features.