Today is the anniversary of my Dad’s death. I was 5, so sadly I don’t remember much about him as a person. I have a few mental “snapshots” of him. A memory of him buffing his shoes before he left for work. The time I sat on his lap and played with the chest hair that peeked […]

When Molly was about five, somebody threw a little dirty ratty puppy over the fence at the stable where I boarded my horse.  Not unusual — people dump unwanted dogs all the time.  This puppy was a sweetie, but one of her front legs was injured and she had raging diarrhea.  I helped get her cleaned up […]

Somebody asked me for a little background on Molly. I actually got her by accident when I went to a pet store to “look at books about dogs.” Right. The store had a couple of mixed-breed puppies that someone had brought in to sell. One was a small yapping poodle puppy, and the other was a beagle-basset […]

There are times that wonder why I went forward with publishing Sometimes I Cry.  It’s very personal and some parts of it are very intense.  I feel like I’m really putting myself out there with this!     By way of background, the writing dates to the early 1990’s, when Dan and I were separated.  Writing is how […]